Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Well I'll be Damned
As you may have all heard over the last two weeks I've had this streak going of . . . well . . . we'll just call it down right awful luck. In case you didn't hear, my laptop, ipod, notebook, day planner, jump drive, microphone, numerous cables, school camera, a few of my lens, flash cards and bags containing item all got stolen. from school. in my car. 35 steps from the security desk ( I did count them). So yeah that sucked. Then I had technical nightmares with equipment and cameras for one of my class assignments as well as oodles of other shit go horribly bad i.e. the Seahawks loosing the playoffs to Green Bay. SO after about three days of shit going good it happened again tonight. While doing laundry I somehow managed to loose my laundry card (which is required to do washes). Notice I don't loose it pre wash but post wash. Super shitty. Since the front desk is closed I can;t get a new one so now I have a big pile of wet laundry. My night is now ending up like the rest of January. Thinking I'm SOL I got out on a limb and leave a note (see below) asking if someone could front me on a dry cycle. So I leave my clothes in the dryer and throw out a couple of Hail Marys. To my disbelief someone actually helped me out and get this, they left the cash I left for them. So hears to you magical laundry card person. Thanks for saving the day as well as my hope in humanity.

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1 comment:
1. people "front" drugs, not laundry money
2. i think 'hail mary's only work if your catholic; it's a card carrying member thing. like costco, or sams. but i think praying to another virgin is good for you. keep it up.
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