Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Years Photos


Alright campers the photos are online and ready for you're viewing pleasure. Feel free to download any of the images and add it to your myspace page and not that facebook crap. There are a ton of photos (10 pages) so take your time going through them all. If you're lucky you might even remember what the hell happened. If any of you want a high-res copy of the group shot just email me the file number of the shot and I'll get it to you. It was good kicking it with all you folk for New Years. Lets hope 08 kicks 07s ass.

Photo Gallery


sass said...

Dave, you are the man. Thanks so much for putting these up. So glad you and Cathy were there with us! Y'all rock. But I'd expect nothing less from Drew's people in Auburn country. Hope to see you again soon.

Unknown said...

when i look at these all i can think of is "punch her in the butt." but in that sing-song way.