Monday, February 11, 2008

Got my iChat fix

I just had my first three way on the old iChat. I've never felt like more of a dork but chatting with your friends from three different time zones is pretty rad. Is this something I'll be telling my kids about?

"When I was a young lad (28) my friends and I would log onto the inter web and strike up riveting conversations about politics and world religions. It was a real hoot and full of information that I carry with me today"

Yea probably not. I believe our conversation went something like this

"Dude wheres your beer? Oh man this is crazy!! Alright talk to you guys later"

I think I'll stick to the first story. If you feel like dorking it up a notch get your self an ichat account and a web cam (if you don't have a mac). Be prepared you'll be playing World of Warcraft in no time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we should totally three way. over the internet. i pick wes. you?